Application for "First job guarantee" at SDU Sønderborg

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Location: Danmark, Guderup


Application for "First job guarantee" at SDU Sønderborg 


This is an opportunity for the students applying at LINAK through the "First Job Guarantee" to send their application directly.


SDU Sønderborg and LINAK, together with other companies from southern Denmark, collaborated to offer a scheme called "First Job Guarantee" to new graduates.

Under this scheme, eligible graduates who have not yet landed their first job will be offered six months of employment.

This scheme applies to students who start their BEng or MSc of Engineering degree at the Faculty of Engineering at SDU Sønderborg from September 2020.





When you apply


To be eligible for the scheme, you must fulfill the following requirements:

  • You must collaborate with a Danish company on the In-Company Project and/or Thesis during your studies 
  • You must complete your degree without delay 
  • You must acquire Danish language skills equivalent to level B1 on the CERF scale (Requires certification)
  • Participation in career activities offered during your study. Some activities will be mandatory

The application must contain your motivation for applying  and field of interest.
The CV must contain your previous workplaces and internships.







The LINAK group holds a leading position as a manufacturer of electric linear actuator technology, renowned worldwide for its high-quality products, advanced techniques, and innovative solutions.


The success LINAK has achieved over the years is rooted in its core values, which define the organisation's identity. To ensure that they remain aligned with their goals, LINAK conducts a review of their performance every other year.


LINAK operations are organised into four different segments, each with its own individual business area: MEDLINE & CARELINE, DESKLINE, TECHLINE, and HOMELINE.




If you would like to have more information, please contact SDU in Sønderborg or click on this link 



Group Headquarters

Smedevænget 8, Guderup

6430 Nordborg


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Læs mere om karrieremuligheder på eller få flere informationer om vores produkter og arbejdsmetoder på ACTUATOR ACADEMY platformen.

LINAK leverer innovative aktuatorløsninger, der forbedrer menneskers livskvalitet og arbejdsmiljø. Vi er kendt ude i verden for vores høje kvalitet, teknisk avancerede og innovative produkter.
De resultater LINAK har opnået gennem årene er baseret på et sæt værdier, der definerer hvad LINAK står for. Vi lægger stor vægt på vore værdier, og hvert andet år måler vi på, hvor godt vi lever op til dem.
LINAK er delt op i 4 segmenter, der er organiseret som individuelle forretningsenheder: MEDLINE & CARELINE, DESKLINE, TECHLINE og HOMELINE.