Location: Denmark, Guderup
Project and thesis in co-operation with LINAK® A/S
Would you or your study group like to write your project or thesis in co-operation with an international manufacturing company where both development and production is in the same location?
LINAK offers co-operation with students who are looking for a task which is in touch with reality and which is of importance for the company.
We can offer you co-operation within all areas of our value chain, i.e. Production, Development, Supply chain, IT, etc.
As the demand for projects is high, we ask that you:
- are at least in the fourth semester of you bachelor when writing the project/thesis
- are able to spend time at LINAK Headquarters in Guderup on the island of Als at least once a month during the project period
- know that the project must be worth at least 10 ECTS
- are able to sign a confidentiality agreement (NDA)
Your application must feature:
- start date and end date for your project
- your study program and name of university
- which semester you are on and number of ECTS points the project must fulfil
- number of members in your group
- a presentation/application which clarifies your desired fields of work
You can expect an answer to your enquiry not later than five weeks after you have submitted your application, so make sure to send your application in good time.
It is important to us that you get a project which is professionally relevant to both you and LINAK and therefore all enquiries are handled individually.
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Hvis ikke du har modtaget nogen mail i hverken din indbakke eller spamfolder så kontakt LBA@linak.com
Læs mere om karrieremuligheder på www.linak.com/career eller få flere informationer om vores produkter og arbejdsmetoder på ACTUATOR ACADEMY platformen.
LINAK leverer innovative aktuatorløsninger, der forbedrer menneskers livskvalitet
og arbejdsmiljø. Vi er kendt ude i verden for vores høje kvalitet, teknisk avancerede
og innovative produkter.
De resultater LINAK har opnået gennem årene er baseret på et sæt værdier, der definerer
hvad LINAK står for. Vi lægger stor vægt på vore værdier, og hvert andet år måler
vi på, hvor godt vi lever op til dem.
LINAK er delt op i 4 segmenter, der er organiseret som individuelle forretningsenheder: